Light & Shadows
Redeeming Disorder
#24: Disorders, Diagnoses, Comorbidity and Identity — Lindsay Bebout

#24: Disorders, Diagnoses, Comorbidity and Identity — Lindsay Bebout

Lindsay Bebout has been navigating identity, amidst mental disorders and diagnoses, from a young age. Her parents divorced when she was eight, and the mental health journey that followed saw her go to therapy (by force as a child and by choice as an adult) and contend with many labels: Impulsivity, hyperactivity, ADHD, anxiety, panic attacks, mood swings, bipolar disorder and more. Lindsay is as open as a book in delving into her journey with those, her evolution in self-understanding and her continued efforts to support her mental health.

Light & Shadows
Redeeming Disorder
redeeming the disorder in our collective humanity by sharing the real, vulnerable journeys of individuals