Light & Shadows
Redeeming Disorder
Caety Klingman: This Is Life With OCD

Caety Klingman: This Is Life With OCD

What you see on the outside isn't always indicative of whats going on in the inside. That was the case for Caety Klingman when she was a college student at University of Chicago, and diagnosed with OCD.

What looked like laziness and disinterest to her professors and classmates, was in actuality a full-blown battle with obsessive thoughts and behaviors.

Listen as she shares her journey with OCD, and the help she found that has transformed her life.

If you or a loved one is experiencing OCD, here are some resources that may help:

What do you think about Caety's story? Can you relate, or have you experienced something different? Comment below or tweet Spencer and Laura.

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Light & Shadows
Redeeming Disorder
redeeming the disorder in our collective humanity by sharing the real, vulnerable journeys of individuals